When you buy a company’s share, it means you are compensating with a stake in the business. The analysis of factual information like financial figures, balance sheet and other information publicly available is known as fundamental analysis. This information is used to derive a fair price of the share of the company. A systematic analysis will ensure a more accurate valuation of the price.
Moneycare consultancy does in-depth research with a set of statistical tools on various mutual fund schemes. The fund which has outperformed benchmark indices consistently is the main criteria for recommendation. Investors can purchase, sale or switch mutual fund units from our portal.
Moneycare Financial Advisors meet, interact, discuss, analyze, understand and internalize the needs, hopes and plans of each client. This insight is then passed on to a team of a strategist who formulates a scientific investment blueprint for each client to meet his profit expectations and in sync with his risk appetite.
We are a Consultancy firm based in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India providing outsourcing services in the field of Finance & Accounting along with All Types of Loans, ROC Work, Accounting Work, GST Work, Income Tax Work, Mutual Fund Advisory And Equity Market Advisory Service to a variety of clients across the globe.